New Year Proposals

I don’t do resolutions. The dictionary definition of “resolve”: to come to a definite or earnest decision about.

I have intentions – things I would like to do, to achieve, but if I don’t, I wont feel bad or upset with myself.

Anyway, here they are:

1. Do 100k in 100 days.
2. Write 500 words before looking at Facebook
3. Do River of Stones in Jan 2012.
4. Write at least one piece of short fiction each week.
5. Produce 3 novel-length pieces of work – 100k100days, finish something else, and NaNoWriMo in November

All these are achievable. I’m not going to make empty promises about losing weight, exercising more, or any of that nonsense.

Let’s see if, by this time next year (2012), I’ll have kept to these. What are the chances?
