Previous newsletters

May 2022:

Where my main news is that the Efficient Novelist Course has launched. AND I’ve extended the half-price offer for a further week due to it being a holiday in the UK on launch day.

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April 2022:

Where I celebrate the end of winter. With spring comes new growth and new ideas. We treat it as a reset on our working lives, a chance to explore new ideas. I look forward to the launch of the Efficient Novelist Course, and to delivering an online workshop about author websites.

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January 2022:

Where I look back on 2021, and the highlights and successes; and look forward to 2022, with plans and aims and targets (NO RESOLUTIONS!)

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October 2021:
Where I talk about our writing group’s Retreat, which is always great fun. And my fiction extract was a fun piece for the flash fiction competition for the retreat. There’s much more besides.
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September 2021:
Where I share details of my Efficient Novelist programme (with links to my book on the subject), and the writing advice from the blog concerns choosing genre or commercial fiction for your novels. There’s much more besides.
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August 2021:
Where I talk about my new programme for authors: The Efficient Novelist. This is a unique programme, developed for and tested by authors, to create a solid body of work, to gain more readers. There is a sample of my short fiction from one of my collections. I talk about going to Swanwick Writers’ Summer School, which is happening soon. And I feature a post from my blog, about location research. It’s all very interesting!
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July 2021:
Where I talk about my new release: Body Under The Pier; a book from last year written under my Jack Warwick pseudonym; my Efficient Novelist programme; and I include a piece of short fiction from one of my collections.
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May 2021:
Where I talk about efficiency in writing, I have an extract from one of my collections of short fiction, and a new announcement from Amazon.
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April 2021:
Where I announce the release of my 6th novel, and share some information from my blog and news about the Efficient Novelist course. There’s also come information from the publishing industry.
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